Chapter 19 End of course assignment

The online exercise for this week will consist of the content for the course assessment. In order to revise for the test, please consider each of the lectures that you have conducted over the last 9 weeks:

  1. The philosophy of science – why we need to record what we do; standing on the shoulders of giants; publication
  2. The hypo-deductive model in science – big questions in your field; reviewing the literature; how to write a hypothesis; citing the literature
  3. A formula for thesis writing – introduction; methods; results; discussion
  4. Nuts and bolts of writing – sentences; paragraphs; logical arguments; examples; citation databases
  5. When science goes wrong – publication bias; the evolution of bad science; rewards and retractions
  6. Open Science – transparency; the movement for Open Science; data curation
  7. Time management and Mental Health – choosing a journal; preparing your submission; Open Access and reviewing models
  8. Submitting to a journal and Peer Review – submission framework; writing a rebuttal; how to conduct peer review
  9. Your future in science – scientific living; in and out of academia; networks; careers

The course test will concentrate on each of the workshops that you were required to do as part of the course. These are as follows:

  1. Keywords
  2. Hypothesis Building
  3. Using a formula to write a chapter
  4. Writing paragraphs
  5. A formula for your discussion
  6. Critical Reading
  7. Writing your abstract
  8. Conducting Peer Review

Remember: the course test will require that you make use of all the skills that you learn in each of these obligatory online course exercises. If you have not yet done them, then you will need to have completed them before you start the course test.

19.1 Course Assignment

Conduct peer review of Fischer et al. (2024)

In order to conduct the course assignment properly, you should have already read the following chapters from the text books:

You should also have read and understood the workshop on Conducting Peer Review. You should follow this workshop completely when conducting this class assignment.

Your review must follow the guidelines provided in Chapter 16: Peer Review Workshop

  • Summary
  • Major points (Produce paragraph for each major merit or problem)
  • Minor points

Your review must follow what you have learned in all workshops during this course. You must provide a pdf of your review in English (< 1000 words).

19.1.1 Don’t

  • Make unsubstantiated statements
  • Don’t give opinions
  • Use general headings

19.1.2 Do

Deadline: 12h00 Wednesday 23 October 2024 Submit in pdf format through WeChat group

19.1.3 You will fail the course if:

  • You plagiarise
  • You use AI generated text
  • You hand in your assignment late

19.1.4 Marks deducted for:

  • Incorrect grammar
  • Incorrect spelling
  • Incorrect formatting